Just Another Well Enhancement Product? NOT REALLY!

Just Another Well Enhancement Product?

Not Really!    It took over 15 years to develop and test and then used and tested in the field for the last 10 years to bring a safe alternative product to this industry. Through this process a better alternative treatment was designed specifically for the downhole workover and enhanced stimulation markets that was biodegradable and safe for the water table.

Our treatment process is unlike any other in the marketplace. Our approach is to first decide if our treatment will be beneficial to the customer. To accomplish this, we attempt to find out all we can about the subject well(s) and determine if our product line will become a positive and prosperous move for the owner. To this end, our personnel are trained to qualify the well, determine the amount of treatment needed to bring positive returns, along with downstream benefits that are not normally mentioned by our competitors. After all this information, along with a sample or two, we then proceed to treatment volumes and strengths. We have a very specific treatment program that most do not understand and our purpose here is to give the owner(s) a “feel Good” about our company and personnel. We try not to “sell” the product rather offer a solution to a problem. To be totally honest, not very many people will call us if their wells are performing at optimum levels. It is the ‘dogs’ that we get the calls about. Knowing this, we know coming in that we will have to overcome many other chemicals, treatments, hot oils, hot waters, and various “soaps” and diesel/kerosene cleanup attempts. We accomplish this cleanup quite impressively and quickly.

We always have a time line that the owner(s) put on our treatment program. We ask that more patience be applied at this juncture as the time to develop the proper treatment and quantity are very important for a successful result. In most cases, the wells that are to be treated are wells that do not add much to the bottom line as these subject wells are ones that have been “down” or out of service for a long period of time and these wells are a problem and not an asset. At this point, we look to the return to production for these marginal wells and our goal is to return these wells back to production as soon as possible.

When you decide to call us for a project, we will do our level best to bring you a positive return for your investment. Without some type of intervention on a “low” producer, the production

We always have a time line that the owner(s) put on our treatment program. We ask that more patience be applied at this juncture as the time to develop the proper treatment and quantity are very important for a successful result. In most cases, the wells that are to be treated are wells that do not add much to the bottom line as these subject wells are ones that have been “down” or out of service for a long period of time and these wells are a problem and not an asset. At this point, we look to the return to production for these marginal wells and our goal is to return these wells back to production as soon as possible.
When you decide to call us for a project, we will do our level best to bring you a positive return for your investment. Without some type of intervention on a “low” producer, the production will continue to decline to a point of “no value”. A few gallons of the PetroLuxus™ treatment will tell you if the well is worth keeping.
With the release of the PetroLuxus™ products back in 2005, PetroLuxus™ positioned itself to answer the requirements of all regulatory agencies that are requiring a safer product that will not harm the environment or biological water life. With the addition of the PetroLuxus™ product family, the products have stayed at the forefront in the well cleanup and well enhancement industry. Many of our competitors are still wondering how our product performs so well. They now have a couple more things to think about. How have we kept our performance and biodegradability and still be able to performs in the down hole environment so well.

If your company has a well or wells that are in need of cleanup, near wellbore remediation, gathering line sludging, or other lift problems, then perhaps a phone call or email to us may resolve the problem. You have probably tried all the other “solutions” by now and still have problems.